I apologize in advance for the lack of real entertainment value in this post
Seriously, my lack of drive this week on my blog has been a source of great consternation to me, my family, and those in my personal prayer chain. Right now, I am even too tired to post a picture of a fat man wearing geeky looking sunglasses. I'm sure that would make some of you laugh, so please try to picture that. Go ahead. Do it. I'm waiting. Warning: Coke Endorsement forthcoming Okay we got that out of the way so why not send out an update on the new fans acquired daily at work? I usually try to rope people in to my blog when I'm serving them by delivering a faux comedy monologue. I say something sort of offbeat that most people don't catch. But, if they do catch it then I've got em. It's the best feeling in the world, topped only by drinking a Vanilla Coke out of the bottle when you can barely stand up and then looking at the cap and then realizing that you have won "Free Coke Product"!!!! Coke is notorious for not giving anything away. Pepsi con...