This is the first post

I have noticed that the way to begin these things is to just start typing and pray to God that all goes well and you are not interrupted by a phone call or your cat peeing on your floor. Currently, neither of the aforementioned things are happening, so all is well. As you may have noticed, I have cleverly named this blog "Diary of a Future Superstar" and have gone so far as to put the words in CAPS. A lot of people do not like this sort of thing because they feel that it is too much like shouting. I do not mind it to so much because I feel that it draws attention to itself and forces the eye to start reading after that point and ignore everything that came before it.

I fear I may have digressed too much, since in the last paragraph I was well on the way to explaining why this blog is called "Diary of a Future Superstar" when I was derailed by a bad joke about the English language dealing with caps. However, I felt it was a witty way to introduce you, the possible new reader, to the humorous often frustrating way that I deal with life, which is to sidestep it as much as possible, and to always use commas whenever I can.

Having succeeded in my goal of scaring off anyone who would be attracted to my admittedly above average visage, but turned off by a lot of words I think I can safely go on and introduce myself on this blog and talk about my past a little bit and where I'm going, and why you the reader should come along with me.

I am 38 years old and I live in a van down by the river. I am a motivational speaker and now its time for you to shut your yapper.

Alright, I'm sorry the above was a near transcript of an old Chris Farley SNL routine from the mid-90's which can be seen now on the Chris Farley "Best of" series of SNL dvd's which can be purchased at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target and other fine huge stores like that.

Actually, I am 29 years old. I live at home. I'm still a virgin. I'm incredibly funny. I have an English degree. I have years of experience at 2 different acting schools. I paid a lot of money for headshots. I have a demo dvd, and I should be moving to New York soon if I can ever work up the muster to start making plans to move there.

I realize that I process information differently from most people, and probably for this reason, a lot of people seem to think that I will be famous someday. I feel this is also true, as long as I can keep off the nerves of people with more money than me, while still staying true to my character.

I tend to irritate a lot of people easily, so to avoid doing that, sometimes I try to become as average as possible when dealing with new people. This strategem probably isn't a good one for winning friends, so I should stop using it when dealing with talent agents and representatives of the acting community. I want to showcase who I really am, not who I am when I'm not driving people crazy.

Are you following all of this? Then there is a good possiblity that you may be a fan for life.

I have my own webpage at and for years I wrote my own humor column on there and tried to get it published with no avail. I also attracted a semi-large local following for what I called "my fan club". There is a huge chance, that many of those same fans will follow me and my new adventures on this blog. If you are a new reader and have stumbled onto this page and are wondering what this fellow is doing meandering for so long without an apparent purpose in mind other than to entertain the populace, don't be afraid. You are among friends, friend.

This concludes the first page.


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