Summer Reading Series #1 - Why Have You Kidnapped My Children?

My stomach isn't quite up to full functionality yet, so lately I have been thinking more and more about my writing as a creative outlet, but I am not quite to the point where I feel like I can sit down and write a great short story, even ones I have already started on.

However, I used to go to a writing group in New York City, and everyone always loved my writing.

The following video is the first of my summer reading series. The first time I read this in New York, no one in the group "got" the story. There were no questions.

"Really?" I said no questions?

Okay thats great whatever guys, that story is published already.

And then everyone was like "oh im so sorry i didn't know if I was supposed to laugh or not"

So I hope you enjoy a story with humor so dry and sophisticated that a New York Audience could't figure it out.


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