What Am I Doing?

Some people have commented on the strangeness of my last post. Some people haven't commented at all. While some others have not read it. I feel bad for those people, because they'll never know what it's like.

Now there is a good reason why I was so off last week. I've been working like a maniac all summer. No hold up. Let me tell the story first for those who came in late.

Life in New York City has been really hard. I lived in Brooklyn with a sumo wrestler who subsisted on hot dogs and corn flakes and my other roomate smoked 5 cigars in the apartment a day and yelled at his mother weekly on the telephone...at 3 in the morning and 6 in the morning...Then he produced an eviction notice showing that I had to get out in 7 days.

This was fun, because I had been there for about 5 months then and so I was really getting some semblance of stability. I loaded all my stuff into my car and then paid an old man to sleep on his couch for 5 days. He kicked me out 2 days earlier than I thought he was going to, so I was back in my car again. I stayed in Harlem for 7 days with superficial friend while trying to stay away from black guys and crackheads at 3 in the morning.

I forgot to mention that at the first couch location I had a suitcase of pants thrown away by the garbagemen because I left it on the sidewalk in front of my car...And at Harlem I had a rock thrown threw my window and my cablebox stolen.

Additionally I lost 3 different restaurant jobs during this time and was not working for weeks at a time more than once. God was really grounding reality into my head, I think to prepare me.

All this time meanwhile I had been going to a Christian artist group called the Haven and meeting with extremely limited success with making friends or girlfriends, which was my only reason for going there and pretty much remains so to this day. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the worship and the small group discussion, but I go to church or the Haven every week hoping to make friends and meet girls. I hope I'm not in the minority in that opinion.

So I made a really good friend at the Haven in a short amount of time which is never a good sign. Like 2 weeks after I met him, parallel reality was getting really clingy and whiny about how I wasn't a good enough friend to him. Yeah, exactly like having a girlfriend except without all the touching and making out, etc.

Parallel friend got evicted at the same time I did for messing around with his roomate, and he managed to convince me and Too Lazy to Shave to be roomates with him in the East Village where we would be taking over essentially what was designed as a 1 bedroom apartment recently vacated by Crack Addict who Parallel friend was best buds with and where we previously were having Bible studies.

So I spent a month there (not working), mostly with Too Lazy to Shave because Parallel Friend was often either in the mental hospital relaxing between "episodes" or having sex with his new girlfriend that he was introducing Christianity to.

Crack Addict dropped a bomb on us by informing us on a Tuesday that a transvestite was moving into the place on Thursday and did I have somewhere else to go.

So, broker than I had ever been, I moved onto another couch on the Upper West Side with the Calvinist who had never been married and was extremely eccentric. We got along very well and I listened as he instructed me on the Westminister Confessional, sometimes twice daily.

I still was not working, yet again. I was going to job interviews and looking for apartments constantly. It drained all my mental and financial resources further. It was a harrowing experience and I am grateful for the constant Biblical instruction without which I might not have made it.

To be continued: only because this got really long and i sorta have other stuff to do.


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