It's Called A BLOG!

ALright everyone. I know you all are kind of dissapointed that I haven't blogged at somewhere instead of the nowhere that I have been blogging at, but I wanted to wait till I had my room setup because when I first moved to Washington Heights (a dominican neighborhood in uptown manhattan) I was sleeping on the floor without an air conditioning while my roomate was having 7 different girls over every week and each one of them thought they were his "girlfriend". He watches tv with them every single freeking night of the week till like 4 ..5? in the morning.

Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 in the morning at Dukes of Hazzard was on. I wasn't in the mood for Boss Hog then (no duh i was really tired) so i turned it off. 10 minutes later, my roomate laying on his bed with a girl remote in hand, turned it back on.

AAAAHHHHH sometimes I can't stand it. But that's only when I'm tired, which is a lot because I don't have any blinds in my room.

When I went to Ikea to get my room setup I wanted to get venetian blinds. How hard could that be I thought. Well it's pretty hard at Ikea unless you know exactly what you want and how to get it, because believe me, no one at Ikea is going to help you out because no one is there. It's like people dont work there except at the checkout aisles.

So anyway. my room is all setup now with a cheap twin bed, with a bed roll, a cheap bookshelf, a cheap computer desk and ta dahh!!! books. So i think everything is going according to plan and then my computer decides to work terribly. I mean really bad. Look I know about computers and how to fix them and such, but I was just lost for 2 weeks and too stubborn to pay someone 30 dollars to look at it again, and say, "why don't you just do this?"

So i finally broke down 2 days ago and ordered a new computer. I'm going to try to put it together in the morning. It's only the components of a computer. I am going to completely put it together from scratch. Wish me luck.

I'm writing from my roomates computer and I never wanted to do this, and I hate it right now because the tv is on and there's 2 girls in his room. I don't know why they like to hang out here so much, can't they go to their own freeking houses?


Well I'm obviously tired.

I hope everyone's appetite for me is sated for the moment because I will try my utmost to write more again very soon. And I mean soon.

Until then I will have to put up with dumb girls with no taste and constant television.

This is what I get for being close to Times Square (20 minutes from my front door by train).



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