Just another Blog Post

Oh great you say. I can't wait to read another exciting and riveting post from Joshua Dudley about how it's cold in New York or that his roomates stink, or that he's tired of walking around looking for work or that he's begging for money. I also hear that due to his lack of internet access, he is forced to blog with increasingly diminished quality from libraries and churches.

Boo Hoo. I've got enough of my own problems without being reminded how tough someone else's choices in life are. I've got my own set of struggles that are totally different than that guy's, and plus I don't screw up every job opportunity I get, and I'm not paranoid about where my keys or my wallet is.

In fact, I've just gotten plain old tired of Joshua Dudley. Dude, it's time for you to sink or swim, and in case you hadn't forgotten man you're like 30 years old. Shouldn't you be out applying for Viagra somewhere?

Wake me up when you have something interesting to say because I can't stand any more pithy comments about stuff that no one cares about.

In fact, don't even talk to me about your blog ever again. My impression of blog's is now destroyed by how uninteresting a read yours is. I mean, shouldn't you be talking about movies, or your impressions of politics, or the subtle nuances of the subways, or all these parties I hear that you go to but don't blog about?

And talk about voyeristic, what a loser! I hear that you're going to some church in NYC just so because your favorite blog author listed on your links list goes there. Pathetic man. Sad and pathetic.

I'm just glad that you're not living with your parents anymore. Man I sure couldn't wait to read more of that stuff back a few months ago. Whew a classic literary masterpiece, that's what was.

P.S. Good luck man,

signed: your biggest fan


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