Packing and Other Important Reflections on the Day

A few days ago, I was involved heavily in my normal post work activity of checking my email, thinking important thoughts about things I have yet to do yet but not actually doing them, and playing video games and pretending like I was in the middle of packing when I hear my mom coming up the stairs when my parents were discussing their work plans for the next few days, since apparently my brother, who works for my dad in overseeing the day to day functions of a moderately successful homebuilding enterprise is in Florida for a wedding till Tuesday, or as I call it "The day after the new hurricane destroys everything."

At the time I was heavily sedated and comatose from a large variety of Toxic level painkillers when I agreed to work with my dad for the next few days, knowing upfront that this would require a large expenditure of my time which is growing short, and that I would be paid a little bit more than I am worth out of a perpetual sense of guilt for bad parenting.

We were driving together today in the new truck at relatively high speeds in the rain and following way too closely to other cars ahead of us in the highway system when my dad's phone would ring and he would continue to drive while talking on his cell phone, and looking for stuff on the floor at the same time. If I took any one of you and put you in that situation, chances are that you would hyperventilate since there would be very little you could do in that situation with my father, the homicidal driver, at the wheel of a large automobile in dangerous road conditions.

After driving to several job sites, and discussing building plans with several subcontractors, we eventually made our way to McDonalds, since being your own boss comes with the perk of being able to eat out any time that you are free. I bought a newspaper and settled on reading several stories which irked me right away that I was elaborating on discussing at length in a later blog, and which I still might.

The first story was about how residents of Kingsmill, a notoriously snooty private community in an already notoriously snooty city (Williamsburg) are vigorously opposed to a 180 foot cell phone tower that Verizon would like to place in their community. They basically just think that their property values would go down, and for that, which is all important in their life, it is worth sacrificing the convenience of cell phones, since for many residents of Kingsmill it is notoriously difficult to get calls out on a cellular phone device. Shut up, get out of my face, and let technology do it's thing. You're only slowing down progress by being so selfish.

I was also mildly worked up by the letters page of all things by all the people writing letters about Intelligent Design, which is from what I understand it to be, Creationism, taught without the perspective of the Christian God as we know it. The tone of the letters was that Intelligent Design proponents are idiots and not worth their breath to comment on. Despite all that, they did so anyway, to my gracious chagrin. They sound like atheists, who predominantly feel that anyone who believes in the Bible as fact has the intelligence level of a child, and is therefore unworthy of conversation or debate. Needless to say, this is highly sanctimonious and those people need to come out of their ivory towers and eat at Burger King with the rest of us.

My God, how much stuff could I have in my room to throw away. EEEE.

I still have to go an acting seminar tonight till 11 o clock in Virginia Beach, and tommorrow morning at 9 am, and hang out with 2 groups of friends tommorrow and leave on Sunday after my sister gets into town with her new boyfriend, possible pre-fiance. Uggh.

I may not make it in time.


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