
Sorry to break the silence here, but I recognize a silent protest when I see one. You guys were all saying the same thing, "Josh it's been too long since your last blog. The last time that we mentioned to you that it had been too long since your last blog you acted all whiny and made us want to consider turning away in embarrassment. Clearly we are expecting better behavior from you this time in the hopes that you have learned. Oh yeah, and would you mind spell checking and proof reading your work, because that really bothers us."

I'm taking these comments into serious consideration, and I almost had the idea to write nothing at all before I went and just disapear like a ghost just like Bilbo Baggins did on his eleventy first birthday.

However, I also understand the hunger for more and new and better material. I would be more than happy to oblige if I had any. It almost seems like nonfeasance to write nothing until Wednesday, even though I've been doing next to nothing since my going away party blowout. I suppose I'll have to report on that.

The Party

The party has come and gone, and I must say that I couldn't be more pleased really. I invited a huge number of people, but only a large number of people came. I suppose this is for the best, as I was never without something to eat or people that I liked to talk to. I suppose this is the synthesis of a real party - things to eat, people to talk to.

I made nametags for everyone that had their name on it, as well as a topic of conversation for people who didn't know them to ask about. When large gatherings of people happen, there are invariably some people who aren't acquainted with everyone, so I wanted to alleviate some pressure off people by letting them know who the people were around them and to give them a topic to talk about. I find that most people just need to get out that first sentence or two to a new person to get started talking to them in fun conversation. I was just trying to help facilitate that. I think it worked out really well.

There was plenty of food for everyone, and i took a picture of each of the guests, and did a video interview as well. Dvd copies of the party will be available soon. Just contact me for that.

Later after all the regular guests had left, several people from my church showed up and blew me with away with a cake with Chris Jericho on it (from the guys) and a card with personalized confetti and a toothbrush with my name on it in case I get amnesia in New York. Oh yeah, that was definitely a girl's touch on the confetti. It was very nice. It couldn't have been cuter as a matter of fact.

Then we played some heavy-duty guys against girls trivial pursuit. Everyone was really into it. It was full of laughs, thrills, and spills kind of like Water Country U.S.A. Which reminds me. I've always wondered how you are supposed to end a sentence when the last word of that sentence ends in a period. Can you really end a sentence on Water Country U.S.A. with a period? Wouldn't two periods in a row look really strange, you know, kind of like that crew cut that K.D. Lang used to have.


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