Midnight Madness

This post goes out to a lovely young lady who said that she was creative at 4 in the morning. I told her that I didn't do anything worthwhile at that time and so to prove it I would write this blog at midnight. Of course that doesnt relate at all. There's like 4 hours time difference. I'm almost sure of it. In fact. I'm going to duly note that there is in fact 4 complete hours between midnight and 4 in the morning. Of course with the humidity around here, it feels more like 5 hours.

Back to Work

After filling out like 13 applications, and completing 3 different personality tests in the last 12 days, it appeared that if I continued my course of seeking gainful employment in the restaurant sector that I would die. Scratch that last bit. I meant that it appeared to be harder than it looked to get a job at a restaurant when you have to explain why you were fired from your last job on every application.

I wonder what it was like getting a job in ancient Israel. Could it be that on their applications they had a question like "Do you now or have you ever had leprosy?" noting of course that you could not be discriminated against for ever having leprosy Why should you be discriminated against? Clearly customers at hotels enjoy being served by men in beards with maggot ridden flesh. So yes, you can have a job at my store. Starting today I will pay you 1000 rubles for your work benefitting the company. "But my new Israel Express card no longer accepts rubles." Well you will have to get with the times Achmed, I bet your goat doesn't like eating wheat anymore, but he's going to have to get used to it because of that grain shortage.

Getting back to talking about Work

I had pretty much settled into a comfortable routine of waking up at like 10:30, messing on the computer for like an hour, checking how many people visited my blog, and going to the bathroom before eating breakfast at 11:45 and being complained at to do some work around the house. After that was done, it was time between 2 o clock and 4:30 to hit the restaurant circuit.

"Someone will be right with you", was a popular phrase I heard on my regular afternoon jaunts. This was followed by an occasional interview with a manager type, and then I would get back out into the hot sweltering air, and get in my car, fumble with my ipod, turn on my a.c. and then slowly back out of my parking spot while being paranoid that I was about to be rear ended.

The Sad Truth

Hopefully I will be wearing an apron again and serving Coke products to customers who will almost completely ignore my zany antics again sometime soon but in the meantime, like a lot of people, I need money. So I called up old faithful, Chanello's and was delivering for them the very next morning. It was very boring and all I could think about was how much gas cost while I delivered a sub to a very large man wearing a Fubu hat who hadn't heard about the modern invention of tipping yet.

editor's note - the previous complaint didn't actually happen to Future Superstar yesterday, but it could have so he wanted to show you his pain by giving you a possible example of being annoyed at a bad situation in a bad job.

Geography Test
Where exactly is Boca Raton? Has anyone you know or will ever know has or possibly will go there in the future?


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