I came I saw I blogged

Did you guys know that you can replace the word "blog" with other words in several popular quotes? Well, you can. Chances are you hadn't really given that much thought. But while you're digesting that new bit of information like a well done steak let me give you a few examples of what it is exactly that I'm talking about.

I blog, therefore I am.

This popular phrase is real eye opening, as it indicates that to blog, or pour out your soul to the internet is to indicate existance. On the other hand, that means if you don't blog there's a slight chance that you don't actually exist. Ask the scientologists if you don't believe me.

Give me my blog, or give me death!

To deny someone the right to blog is akin to cutting off their life source. How else could they tell everyone what they did last night, how great the Contender was, and show more ways that George Bush sucks?

There'll be no blogging unless you finish your dinner!

This is a thinly veiled threat that mothers across America use on their kids now in the event that they don't eat their peas and just pick at their tuna casserole.

I went to Niagara Falls, and all I got was this dumb blog.

I did go, and looking back on it this is all I'll ever have. Like last week someone said something about Niagara Falls, and I told them, "It's really pretty at night in the winter with the lights shining on the ice flows." Any of you can feel free to say that to anyone who asks or mentions anything about Niagara Falls. Clearly they wouldn't question your credentials and wonder when you went there, because it should be obvious that you did.

In Conclusion

It should be obvious that blogging should be part of an active and healthy lifestyle, you know, like getting that chicken gordita at Taco Bell, or running to your mailbox to check your snail mail.


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