
Showing posts from September, 2006

Seriously Folks

Seriously. I just got asked why I don't blog anymore. It's not true. I did blog. No one responded. I've got far too much going in my life to blog for a dead audience. Okay that's not technically true. If my audience was dead they wouldn't have access to the internet and they wouldn't be able to enjoy the mirth merriment and crazy antics that are happening here like non-stop. I mean its like a party in my mouth like 24/7 and for real its like crazy. So you know like I've got this blog and its where I write like my innermost thoughts and whatnot and my deepest secrets like uh...nah i can't write that. seriously. don't make me. you wouldn't like me when I go crazy. I went crazy one time and I didn't like it, so I don't see any reason why you, the nonexistant audience would like it much either. So a lot of people are probably wondering, is Josh still in New York? How can he go on? Well let me say that I lie to my credit card companies, which ...

It's Called A BLOG!

ALright everyone. I know you all are kind of dissapointed that I haven't blogged at somewhere instead of the nowhere that I have been blogging at, but I wanted to wait till I had my room setup because when I first moved to Washington Heights (a dominican neighborhood in uptown manhattan) I was sleeping on the floor without an air conditioning while my roomate was having 7 different girls over every week and each one of them thought they were his "girlfriend". He watches tv with them every single freeking night of the week till like 4 ..5? in the morning. Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 in the morning at Dukes of Hazzard was on. I wasn't in the mood for Boss Hog then (no duh i was really tired) so i turned it off. 10 minutes later, my roomate laying on his bed with a girl remote in hand, turned it back on. AAAAHHHHH sometimes I can't stand it. But that's only when I'm tired, which is a lot because I don't have any blinds in my room. When I went to Ikea to...