The Weekender

Guys I just feel like its getting too heavy out there and I'm not just saying that because of that superhero behind me. It's the way Im feeling and I wanted to tell you guys that.

Ive been encouraged all day and all week and I wanted to express that adequately in my blog but all of a sudden my left arm is getting sore and my back is complaining to me and im growing tired and i need to change my bandages.


PS the picture above is me and a charismatic young man nicknamed "C-Lite"

Im telling you guys. I so want to rip into the truth right now and let it flow out of my fingers but I just cant do it yet.

I still can't focus like I want to and really get on it and write something to move people, to change them, to inspire them like I feel right now.

I feel like every day I'm alive is a gift and looking at life's little challenges as anything but compared to certain death creates quite the confusing sentence and illustrates the jumble that is my physical body.

Anyway guys, I'm still healing, my wound is still there, but eventually it'll heal up. I sure hope it's soon.

In the meantime I'm just enjoying fellowshipping with other people and trying to make the most of every moment.

It really helps to be with friends and to just get out of the house and to feel alive.

I honestly came home and wanted to write something great and to me this just isn't it.

I'm going to beat this thing guys and every day isn't great yet. I still have some bad days and I wake up several times a night to drink more water or empty my ostomy bag.

And its gonna be like 3 months probably before im as healed as im gonna be but I'm just not worried at all about what's to come.

There's bigger things than me to worry about. Look at Egypt, Libya, Yemen. People are crying out all over for freedom. And me? I just want to get my life back together.

Don't take things so hard people. Love one another is what I'm saying. It's just not worth it otherwise.

Wish I could do something great like this, but I'm a little constrained right now, so look out when I get it together again...literally.


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