Finding Buried Treasure.

Ever since my accident (and yes it was an accident, it wasn't a happening, or an instance, or a happenstance, or an unfortunate circumstance, or even a series of unfortunate events) people are always asking me

"So Like How are you Doing?"

And I try not to be glib and say something like "Well you know pretty good, I'm standing here and talking to you right, how bad could I be?

No one would know how to handle it if I was glib or semi-serious about dealing with my near death circumstances even though that's how I usually am about everything. In other words, if I seem to be joking or only half serious to you, then I am probably doing fine.

It reminds me of an old Seinfeld routine where he was explaining how men think to women, he was like "Go Ahead. Guess what I'm thinking about right now."


To wit, what am I worried about right now? Nothing

I do kinda feel like I'm in purgatory right now though.

At this moment, I really couldn't tell you what day it is, although I'm convinced it's either Tuesday or Wednesday but I am not sure which. I'm leaning towards Wednesday.

But If you really wanna know what I am doing before I started writing this blog, then I'll tell you. I'm cleaning the thrown together mess called my room wherein all my stuff from New York was stacked and piled everywhere.

In doing so, I found some old comic strips I used to make. It's called Trailor Park Life. Yes, there are 5 episodes and yes I will be posting them on my blog, and yes they will go up on facebook the day after my blog is updated.

If you're having trouble reading it I'm providing a translation:

First Panel: Hey, the Pizza Came in.

Second Panel: Oops it fell on the floor.

Third Panel: Is that a cockroach?

Fourth Panel: C-R-U-N-C-H-

Fifth Panel - Yum!

Thus concludes Trailor Park Life #1 I hope you have enjoyed it, because there are four more installments coming.


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